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Naya’s hands of Wonders Massage is dedicated to providing top-quality, personalized massage services designed to enhance your overall well-being. I specialize in various techniques, including Swedish massage, Chinese-style massage, and deep tissue massage, ensuring that each session is carefully tailored to meet your individual needs and preferences. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, pain relief, or improved mobility, I adapt and Taylor each treatment to provide the most beneficial experience for you.
I am dedicated to guiding you toward balance, healing, and self-discovery through various holistic and well-being services. My mission is to empower individuals to tap into their inner light…
My medical massages provide a unique and customized experience to help you relax, rejuvenate, and provide long-term medical benefits. As a medical massage therapist, I tailor my medical…
My Swedish massages are the perfect solution for relieving stress and tension. This classic massage technique consists of long gliding strokes designed to help soothe sore…
I am a massage therapist who specializes in lymphatic drainage massages. This massage service focuses on stimulating the body’s natural lymphatic system to help remove toxins and waste…
My deep tissue massage therapy technique is the perfect way to reduce tension and stress in the body. This powerful yet gentle massage works deep into the tissue layers of the muscle to target…
My cupping services provide a holistic and alternative form of pain relief. I can target specific areas in the body that may experience tension or discomfort by utilizing heated cupping glasses and…
My deep tissue massage therapy technique is the perfect way to reduce tension and stress in the body. This powerful yet gentle massage works deep into the tissue layers of the muscle to target…
Nayas Hands Of Wonders Massage
Discount : 10% Seniors, Military
Monday to Friday 10:00am to 6:00pm
Sunday : Emergencies only
60 Mins ……………… $80
90 Mins …………….. $110
120 Mins ……………. $140
60 Mins ……………… $85
90 Mins ……………… $115
120 Mins …………….. $145
45 Mins ……………… $75
90 Mins ……………… $95
120 Mins …………….. $135
30 Mins ……………… $65
90 Mins …………….. $90
120 Mins ……………. $170